Mar 2022

Third HeartForce Update on the CardioClin Multi-Center Study in Uzbekistan

As reported in November of 2021, HeartForce has successfully completed the data collection of 1500 patients, suspected of having coronary artery disease (CAD), in the clinical trial in Uzbekistan. The dataset consisted of the following two datasets:

  1. Tashkent Patients and Karshi Patients
  2. Tashkent Control Group

The first data set consisted of patients that were suspected of having heart disease and therefore underwent angiography, whereas the second data set derived from individuals that were considered to be healthy.  We recruited individuals with no symptoms and prior heart disease. Furthermore, the recruited individuals had to undergo various tests, i.e.  blood-test, echocardiography, and CAC-CT test. If any of the tests failed, the person was excluded from the study.

Our CAD detection model unveils that our CardioClin  can be used as a screening technology with similar results of a  calcium score, conducted with CAC-CT.

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